Mission Trip Support

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Mission Trip Support

Because the Witness To Fire band supports just causes in the name of doing Gods' work on earth: check the subheadings and text below to find any Mission purpose and its subject.

The Third Place youth group - Trinty Church Guatemala Summer 2011 Mission Trip

On June 15 - June28 2011, the youth group from Trinity Church Libertville, IL [thru Misson Impact] will be going on a summer misson trip to serve the rural poor of Gutemala. They will be helping to lessen the impact of poverty on thier lives by helping to educate, provide medical care, & repair/build on thier dwellings, and minister to their sous by providing and sharing Gods' love for all thru Jesus Christ.

In order to have this be a success we need suporrt from our churches, families, and friends. We cannot do this alone... We need help from prayers: for traveling mercies, saftey, & health protection, & mostly to allow Gods work to go forward. In addition to prayer support we need monies.. Each misson trip youth needs approx $1550 towards expenses.

Ms.Jenny Ellis: About the World Race 2010 Mission Trip

This a bit about who Jenny is:


and more info or missons that you can read at the World Race Misson website here:
Thanks to you for your support, be it financially or thru prayer, or BOTH!!!
Blessings and much thanks.

Trinty Community Church 1190 W. Winchester Rd, Libertyville, IL 60048

CPC Summer Misson Trip:

World Race 2010-2011 Misson Trip

Calling all Street Team Missons; this one is literally a Misson Trip!!
Witness To Fire band would like to take this time to help support Jenny Ellis, a local middle school teacher and a running coach. She is leaving teaching for a year to embark on an 11 month Misson trip to 11 countries to feed the hungry, help the sick, fight injustice in Asia,spread the good news, and other missons that you can read at the website here:
Please Donate or Support this Misson Trip:
We will be featuring this Misson at upcoming shows & concerts thruought the year.
and more info or missons that you can read at the World Race Misson website here:
Thanks to you for your support, be it financially or thru prayer, or BOTH!!!

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